
Welcome to our new blog! This is our "lounge" where you can come and hang out to see the latest and for me to chat about all the latest ideas and happenings at Grayson & Lane Photography!! So sit back, grab some java and enjoy!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome to the new blog!

Welcome to our new blog! I always have so much going on in my mind and things I want to share and who doesn't have a blog these days? Everyone has Facebook and it has been great for business but you don't get to really know ME with short little posts! I want t
his to be a place where you can grab your coffee and come sit and see what I have been up to or the things that excite me - those who know me well know I can get really excited about new ideas or projects...... so beware......! :-) I am a smiley face & exclamation point-a-holic! I'll just tell you that upfront! :-)

Always feel free to ask me ANY questions about photography, my style, or just anything about me...... I am an open book! Just send an email to me at and in each blog post I will answer some questions by my fabulous friends and followers.

Have a fabulous day my friends ~